
Posts Tagged ‘myrrh’

For the past two years I have been playing with this idea of really making Scented Journeys into a business.  My response to that ever-present question of “What do you do?” or worse yet, “Are you back to work now that the kids are in school?” is usually something along the lines of “Well, I started this little hobby-business….”.

Scented Journeys started for me as a hobby, making my own concoctions of essentials oils, base oils and butters. But as with any journey, the path changes. Now I have customers! I have started to keep at least a small inventory of the basics and have had a presence at a handful of craft fairs with very positive results!

So, as the next question from folks is usually “Can I order your stuff online?” it’s time for me to respond to that too.  I have set up a very rudimentary ordering system on my Shop Page. You can fill out the form which will generate an email to me with your order.  At this time I am only offering lip balms in a variety of fun flavors and my new seasonal oil called Modern Magi.

Modern Magi is my own fun take on the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn babe of Bethlehem.  In a base of organic jojoba oil I have blended frankincense and myrrh with some tiny gold glitter flecks which shimmer gently when applied to the skin. I think a tiny sparkle on the neck, collarbone and shoulders is fun this time of year! In addition to being fun, this blend has the potential to make this holiday season less stressful as both frankincense and myrrh have grounding, meditative properties. Will you be om-ing in the aisles of Target, not likely, but it might take the frantic edge off of an otherwise hectic time of year.

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